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The Peacemaker

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3

Good Morning! Slept good last night.

I can't express how good it feels to wake up and literally feel as if there is not a weight on my shoulders or care in the world. To know that as I slept, my God, was at work in my life. He continues to show His great love toward me through doing only what He can do. The only thing that catches me by surprise most days is that we, in our flesh, doubt that He is capable of coming through.

How did you sleep last night? Were you at peace knowing that He never sleeps or slumbers?What are you believing for today, trusting God with or expecting Him to turn around?

Whatever it is...hold fast. Guard your heart by what you see and hear. Don't listen to the negativity, outward or internally. God wants you to keep Him in remembrance of His word so thank Him for working in your situation. Stay focused on what He is capable of and who He is and you will be at perfect peace.

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